
Helping Almond Growers Thrive

Truth is Our Top Priority

Our team strives to communicate openly and honestly. With integrity at the heart of our work, we believe that truth facilitates success throughout every step of the almond handling process, from harvesting to packing.

  • Chosen as one of the best places to work in Stanislaus County
  • Sending two employees per year to the VOLT Institute in Modesto to strengthen leadership skills

Transparency is Our Standard

We care about doing the right thing—for our customers, key stakeholders and the environment including:

  • Adhering to Good Agricultural Practices, with many of our growers working toward becoming Global G.A.P. Certified
  • Recycling plant materials such as plastic cabin liners, plastic stockpile tarps, and unused packaging supplies
  • Eliminating paper waste by keeping all records and communications digital

Trust Earned Through Experience

We go above and beyond the USDA grades, challenging ourselves to set new food safety and quality standards.. If a problem arises, our team collaborates with our customers to create a solution.

  • SQF II, Kosher, OMRI, CCAGA certified
  • California Almond Stewardship Program participant

Learn more about partnering with us by reaching out to sales@montevistafarming.com.

A Legacy of Leadership

In 1985, Monte Vista Farming Company (MVFC) joined the almond handling business. Founder Jim Crecelius quickly saw a better, more secure way for almonds to be processed. If growers could market and own their crops until sales were complete, they would be protected from the financial risks of crop pooling.

This system—now known as the Grower Select Marketing System—provides growers with more stability and confidence than ever before. At MVFC, we still offer this system for growers who want a high level of detail and transparency in their operation. Alongside this service, we also support seasonal grower pool marketing systems to the same high standards.

As the original grower-controlled almond marketing system, Mr. Crecelius’s creation honors the hard-earned value of growers’ annual farming efforts while propelling the industry forward.

Today, MVFC almonds are packaged and marketed under the California Royale Brand®—indicating premium quality in the industry. Almonds grown by MVFC and its network of independent growers are proudly sold in more than 20 countries worldwide. The success of the brand is a testament to its strong foundation, built by Mr. Crecelius and maintained by MVFC’s talented team. With integrity, accountability, and sustainability as guides, MVFC continues to set the standard of excellence in the almond handling industry.

Mission Statement

We’re Pioneering Premium Quality Together

Best described as diligent and dedicated, the MVFC team consists of over 130 almond industry experts. We take pride in our work, placing honesty and quality above all else. We’ll collaborate with you to create the best product possible—because for our team, no goal is out of reach.